Ticket for not cycling in the bicycle lane

I was sent a link to this video yesterday morning and at that time it had less than 3,000 views. I gave it a watch and at first it was similar to something I had seen before. But after a while it turned into a classic video that just had me in stitches!

We are lucky in the UK that there is no law regarding cycling in the bicycle lane. The councils can paint all they want and you can just ignore it 🙂

6 thoughts on “Ticket for not cycling in the bicycle lane

  1. “We are lucky in the UK that there is no law regarding cycling in the bicycle lane.”

    The funny thing is that it transpires that there is no such law in NYC either. The cop just threw a $50 ticket because he is a bit of a prick. With the high reporting of bicycle related incidents involving NYC cops, it would appear that it is part of the job criteria

    • I recall there being a law regarding using the bicycle lane unless there is something blocking it or you need to make a turn on the other side of the street. I will have to double check that.

      The US is very different to the UK on there opinion of where cyclists should be. The US is very apposed to vehicular cycling and they believe that cyclists should on the right all the time, where as in the UK people are much more accepting of cyclists taking control of the lane.

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